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How to become a Foster Parent or Respite Provider

Level 3 Licensing Qualifications

(Must meet a minimum of 3 qualifications)

A. A minimum of one year of experience as a foster parent or kinship care provider with a child placed in his or her home for at least one year.
*B. A minimum of 5 years of experience working with or parenting children.
C. A minimum of 500 hours of experience as a respite care provider for children under the supervision of a human services agency.
D. A high school diploma or the equivalent.  
E. A college, vocational, technical, or advanced degree in the area of a child’s treatment needs, such as nursing, medicine, social work, or psychology.  
*F. A substantial relationship with the child to be placed through previous professional or personal experience
G. Work or personal experience for which the applicant has demonstrated the knowledge, skill, ability, motivation to meet the needs of a child with a level of need of 3.  

Level 4 Licensing Qualifications

(Must meet a minimum of 4 qualifications)

A. A minimum of one year of experience as a foster parent or kinship care provider with a child placed in his or her home for at least one year.
*B. A minimum of 5 years of experience working with or parenting children.
C. A minimum of 500 hours of experience as a respite care provider for children under the supervision of a human services agency.
D. A high school diploma or the equivalent.  
E. A college, vocational, technical, or advanced degree in the area of a child’s treatment needs, such as nursing, medicine, social work, or psychology.  
*F. A substantial relationship with the child to be placed through previous professional or personal experience
G. Work or personal experience for which the applicant has demonstrated the knowledge, skill, ability, motivation to meet the needs of a child with a level of need of 4.  

Level 5 Licensing Qualifications

Educational Qualifications:
Program Manager shall meet at least one of the following educational qualifications:

A. A 4-year college degree from an accredited college or university with a degree in health or human services-related field.
B. Two years of supervised full-time work experience in an out-of-home care program or assisted living program with adults.
C. Personal experience with a family member who has needs similar to the population served.

Management Skills:
Program Manager shall meet at least one of the following management skills qualifications:

A. Previous employment as a manager or supervisor.
B. A professional development plan to cultivate management and supervisory skills.

Pre-Qualifications: Program Manager shall meet the following qualifications:

A. Must be at least 21 years of age.
B. Completion of the Caregiver Background Check per DHS 12
C. Make a determination that the applicant has the capacity to successfully nurture and care for children and does not have a history of a civil action, criminal conviction, or administrative rule violation that substantially relates to the care of a child or a history of unsound judgement or abuse of alcohol or drugs.
D. Make a determination that the applicant has not had a license to operate a foster home, group home, or residential care center for children and youth revoked or denied within the last 2 years.
E. Provide 4 completed reference forms
At least one from a relative/adult child
At least one professional reference

F. Health Exam and TB Test.

If you have any further questions, feel free to contact us.

HOPE, LLC is a licensed Child Placing Agency in the State of WI.

Call us: 414.699.6824


Find us: 

740 Pilgrim Parkway. Suite 103

Elm Grove, WI 53122 

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